Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How To Use Your God Power® - Living By The Philosophy™

Living By:
The God Power

From The Book:

(C) 2013 Richard Lee McKim Jr.

Or Download The Philosophy Certificate

Living By The "God Power Philosophy"

The God Power Philosophy is all you need to get everything you ever wanted and live the life of your dreams.  All you have to do is read it every day and contemplate what it means and how it applies to your every day events and circumstances.  It is broken down into 4 parts each of which adds an important understanding and principle.

Each part of the God Power Philosophy will be explained in detail for a better understanding and easy application of the principle.
#1) The Facts & Circumstances DO NOT CREATE REALITY. Meaning is What Creates & Elicits Reality. Meaning Creates Vibration Which Resonates With And Activates Everything That Is Like It in The Universe.  You Have The Power To Decide on The Meaning to Create The Reality You Want.
This is a very import understanding.  Facts and Circumstances have no power or influence in the creation/elicitation of your REALITY.  It is ONLY the Meaning that actually creates a Frequency and then elicits an Outcome/Result/Reality by Resonance. These are some examples that PROVE this God Power principle is true and accurate. 

In Chapter #1 ( http://TinyURL.com/GPB-C119 ) there was a man who was dying of Advanced Stage 4 Cancer.  He had 3 days to live.  He was given an injection of what he thought was a miracle drug, but was instead just water with food coloring (The Facts).  He was cancer free in 10 days.  Which one was the factor that elicited the Cancer-Free Reality?  Was it A the facts, or B the Meanings?

a) The Facts: Injection of Water        b) The Meaning: "This Injection Will Cure Me"

In Chapter #6 ( http://TinyURL.com/GPB-C301 ) there was an example of a Rice experiment created by Dr. Emoto.  It involves cooking rice and then dividing the cooked rice into two separate but equal containers.   Each container had a hand written label attached to it.  One Label said "I Love You" and the other said: "I hate You - Die!"  The containers were then placed on a shelf in the same location for the same amount of time, usually a couple of weeks.  When the contents of the two containers were then examined, the one with the "I Love You" Label was still in pretty good condition.  The other with the "I hate You - Die!" label was significantly rotten.   These two containers of rice were EXACTLY the SAME except the different labels that each had.  The Labels conveyed a meaning to the containers of rice that they were attached to.  
Which one was the factor that elicited the different Realities of the two containers of rice?  Was it A the facts, or B the Meanings?

a) The Facts: Same Rice in both containers, Stored the same amount of time and location, both had labels attached to them.              

b) The Meaning: One label had a Meaning of Love/support/caring.  The other label had the Meaning of Hate/Destruction/demise.

This is important to you because the next time you encounter/experience a situation/event /circumstance that seems problematic, remember that the FACTS are NOT a Problem nor can they be.  It is ONLY the Meaning that caries weight, has influence, and actually Elicits your Reality.  

What to do, EXACTLY.  When you have a problem, financial, social, physical, etc., consider what it "Means to You."  In example: You are in foreclosure.   What does this mean?  Loss? Defeat? If it does then you will reap/elicit a bad outcome/Reality.  However, if you change the Meaning to this Means a "Fresh Start, New Beginning" you will then elicit a Reality congruent with the Meaning of Fresh Start New Beginning.  From this new place (Better Meaning) you will be able to think of and elicit all kinds of great ideas and may even end up in a better home and in better circumstances than you were before.

#2) There is NO Right Answer in The Universe. It Doesn’t Matter Whether You Go Left or You Go Right, As Long as You Decide That You Are Going The Best Way.   Then The Way You Go BECOMES The Correct/Best Path By DECISION.

This understanding will help you through all of your decisions.   There is no independent Reality in the Universe in which something is right or wrong, good or bad.  You have to understand that Reality is a "Personal CREATION" and that it is being created at ALL TIMES. 

In the moments of Decision: A/B, Left/Right, Marriage/Divorce, Moving/Staying, eating this or eating that, going with this Idea or that one, ALL the POTENTIAL outcomes are Un-Manifested and do not exist - yet.  That is, there is NO FUTURE BASIS for your Present decision; the Future hasn't been created yet.

Once you have Decided on a direction (Chapter 7 http://TinyURL.com/GPB-C330 ), only then can the Future Reality begin to form/manifest (For You).  Only then is there a BASIS for Manifestation. 

Remember from Principle #1, the FACTS DO NOT create Reality.  That is, being married or getting divorced, moving or staying where you are, going with this idea or the other one, are only Facts and DO NOT create Reality.  In order to turn these facts into Reality you MUST Decide on the Meaning of these events/facts. 

In example:

If you decided to Move, and thought this is the BEST thing I have ever done, then from that GREAT Meaning, you would elicit great Ideas, great opportunities and it would BECOME the Best thing you ever did.  BECAUSE of the MEANING, It BECOMES Good.

On the other hand, if you Decided that it was a big mistake and you shouldn't have moved, then you will elicit the Reality of a Big Mistake.  Opportunities become invisible to you because good Opportunities do not resonate (Become Visible & Active) with "things have gone wrong."  From this place (Meaning) you are eliciting bad outcomes and an unwanted Reality. BECAUSE of the MEANING, It BECOMES Bad.

However, if you decided to stay where you are and thought this is the BEST thing I have ever done, then from that GREAT Meaning, you would elicit great Ideas, great opportunities and it would BECOME the Best thing you ever did.  BECAUSE of the MEANING, It BECOMES Good.

On the other hand, if you Decided that it was a big mistake and you should have moved, then you will elicit the Reality of a Big Mistake.  Opportunities become invisible to you because good Opportunities do not resonate (Become Visible & Active) with "things have gone wrong."  From this place (Meaning) you are eliciting bad outcomes and an unwanted Reality.  BECAUSE of the MEANING, It BECOMES Bad.

Notice that this Proves that there is No Independent Reality outside of you in which there is a Right or wrong thing to do.  Moving could turn out good or turn out bad, and staying could turn out good or turn out bad.   This Means that you are free to choose any direction that you want without fear of the outcome.  You KNOW that which every way you go, will BECOME the right way because you say so. (Decided)

So the solution to every decision, is DECIDE on the path you want, and give it a good Meaning and it will BECOME the "Right" way.

How GREAT is that?

#3) You Are in The Perfect Place Right Now.  From Where You Are, With What You Have, You Have The Ability to “Elicit” Whatever it Takes to Get to Where Ever You Want to Go. If You Go Left & You End Up on Top of a Mountain, You Will Elicit a Helicopter to Get to Where You Want to Go. If You Go Right And End Up on The Beach, You Will Elicit a Boat That Will Take You Where You Want to Go. If You Need Money,   You Will Elicit a Way to Get it. It Doesn’t Matter What Your Circumstances Are, What You Have, or Where You Are.
This is a VERY important understanding as well.   In the first principle, we saw that it was the Meaning of a situation that determined what kind of REALITY would be manifested.  In the Second Principle, we saw that we could go in any direction that we wanted to because we could then make it BECOME the best decision/direction by Decision (Chapter 7 http://TinyURL.com/GPB-C330 ).

In this principle, we DECIDE that we are always (IN ALL WAYS) in the Perfect place to get what we want.  This is paramount to you being able to live the life of your dreams.

Let's figure this out together...

First we know that it is always (IN ALL WAYS) Meaning that is the basis of Reality.  So, what does it MEAN when we say that "We are in the perfect place right now, for getting what we want and living the life of our dreams?"

It MEANS that "within your perception," the ideas and solutions that you will need are available and visible to you from here.   After all you are in the PERFECT Place for this. Right?  It also MEANS that whatever else you need, "Outside of your ability to perceive," will be elicited/drawn/attracted and activated by Resonance and start working for you.  Why?  Because YOU  ARE  IN  THE  RIGHT /BEST /PERFECT  PLACE.  That is where the answers /solutions /opportunities are found.  This Makes you "Eligible" to see/have/experience these great outcomes/Reality.

If you are in the Perfect place, then whatever tools you happen to have, whatever knowledge you actually have, wherever you live, whoever you know, and whatever money you have in the bank (If Any), is exactly what you need to get what you want and live the life of your dreams.    After all, the "Perfect Place" by definition and Meaning, is the Place where everything you need is available to you or can be elicited to you.  Right?

Have you ever had the experience of being involved in a situation that just happened to require the abilities you have?  Or it called for some special knowledge that you had learned when you were a kid?  Or it was some strange combination of talents that you just happened to have?  Didn't it seem weird that you just happen to have the two nonrelated talents that were required for the task? 
It's not weird, not even interesting, really, because you were Eliciting a "solution/opportunity" based on the talents and abilities that you have (From where you are) and it came together perfectly.  Simple.  If it were someone else, they would have thought of a different way to accomplish the same thing, but, in a "way/path" that happened to use the talents that they already had.

Always (In ALL Ways) KNOW and Realize (Make Real for You) that you are in the perfect place at the perfect time, to get everything you ever wanted to live the life of your Dreams.

However, If At Any Point, You Think That Things Have Gone Wrong, Then You Will NOT Be Able to See The Solution Even Though It Is Lying At Your Feet. If This Happens, Go Back To #1.   

This final Principle is a "Self Check" assessment.  If you think that things have gone wrong, then you have a Bad Meaning (Eliciting a Bad Reality), the path you have chosen is wrong (No solutions available here) and from this "Gone Wrong" place, you will find that you don't have what you need to succeed.   The Solution/Opportunity/Option that you need could be lying at your feet, and you will not be able to see or recognize it.  Even if you did see the solution, it would turn out that something else has gone wrong.   You will only see and Elicit more Problems from here (Things Have Gone Wrong).

You MUST always (In All Ways) Know that things are working out for you (Going Right).  To do this go back to principle #1.  If you have given the situation a good Meaning as suggested in principle #1, and then DECIDED that the direction you are going is the RIGHT/BEST way as per Principle #2, and then Realize (Make Real for You) that you have EVERYTHING you need to get where you want to go from where you are (Principle 3), you will be Unstoppable!!!

So the Bottom Line is this.

When you Live by the God Power Philosophy, you Know that things are working out for you.  You are changing Meanings when they are needed.   You are confident in your life choices because You KNOW that which every way you go, will BECOME the right way.  And finally, it turns out time and time again, that you just happen to have what you need and everything else needed, just happens to show up at the right time.  It turns out that you do have everything that you need to get where you want to be from where you are right now. 

When you Live by the God Power Philosophy and you Know that things are working out for you, Resonance acts on your Meanings finding Likeness/Matches activating everything it takes for you to get what you want.  That is, whatever it takes to get what you want, comes to light because it is a Match (On The Path of Resonant Matches) to what you want.

When you think that things are not working out for you, your Resonant "Match Path" will take you to the place where you don't get what you want, Because "I Don't Think I will Have It” is a PERFECT MATCH to "I Didn't get it."

Let me know if this has helped you to really Understand the God Power Philosophy.


 Richard Lee McKim Jr.

To Get Everything You Ever Wanted
and Live The Life of Your Dreams!
“The Master’s Course”


On-Line Video - Master's Course:

P.S. If You want to find More Information on Your God Power Click these Links:
Google Search, Yahoo Search, or Bing Search  (Each Has Different Results)

Note: Click On These Search Hyperlinks ( In Blue ) To Find More Information

© 2013 Richard Lee McKim Jr.

How To Use Your God Power "The Master's Course" Book 1
20 Video Examples - 537 Links   (Audio Book Download  Included)

Chapter 1 - Your GOD Power - This Chapter Explains what Your God Power is and Gives Several Real Life Examples of God Power In Action to Create Both Beneficial and Detrimental Results.

Chapter 2 - The Meaning of Life (Your Life) - It Explains What Your Life Purpose Is and Why You Became A Physical Human Being Here on Planet Earth.

Chapter 3 - The Most Powerful Formula in Your Life  - This Chapter Sets Forth a Perfect Life Formula That Will Always Work To Keep Your Life Experience Happy, Successful, and Satisfying.

Chapter 4 - Frequencies And Meaning - This Chapter Explains That Meanings Have Certain Frequencies. When These Frequencies Are Added Together, They Create Everything From an Atom, To Your Life Experience and Even The Entire Universe.

Chapter 5 - Resonance, The Secret Match-Making Force Of The Universe -  It  Explains The Concept of "Resonance" which is the Basis of "The Law Of Attraction."  Resonance is a Primary Force of The Universe, Second Only to Meaning.

Paperback Edition: ( 6"x 9" - 228 Pages)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L921

Kindle Edition: (Read On ANY Device)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L924

Audio Book 12 CDs: (318 Tracks 11.2 Hours)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L923

How To Use Your God Power "The Master's Course" Book 2
26 Video Examples - 852 Links   (Audio Book Download  Included)

Chapter 6 - The Power of Labels - This Chapter Explains How Powerful Labels Are And How To Use Them in a Beneficial way To Create Your Reality You Want.

Chapter 7 - You Must Decide - This Chapter Explains That Decision And The Subsequent Alignment With That Decision, Is One Of The Most Important Foundational Techniques Reality Creation.  Make A Decision and Align with it.

Chapter 8 - What is Reality?  - This Chapter Explains The Concept Of “Reality.”  What Is Reality?  There is Not One Overall Reality. We Each Have Our Own Individual Realities That We Form and Shape Ourselves. No Reality can Interfere with another’s Reality.

Chapter 9 - The Reality of Your Life Experience - This Chapter explains what part Religion Plays in Reality Creation and answers the Question whether our Lives are governed by our own Free Will or destined by Fate.

Chapter 10 - The Reality of Your Body as a Representation - Our Bodies do not function like Machines, that they are in fact just a representation, a projection, a result of our thoughts.  A change in our thoughts can and does result in an actual physical change in our body, good or bad.

Paperback Edition: ( 6"x 9" - 336 Pages)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L931

Kindle Edition: (Read On ANY Device)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L934

Audio Book 17 CDs: (533 Tracks 16.1 Hours)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L933

How To Use Your God Power "The Master's Course" Book 3
15 Video Examples - 552 Links   (Audio Book Download  Included)

Chapter 11 - The Reality of Your Emotions - This Chapter explains that our Emotions are a Powerful Guidance System.  While our Emotions do not create in themselves, they do indicate the power and direction of our creations.  
Chapter 12 - Changing Your Own Reality  - This Chapter Explains the different ways that we can actually alter our Realities.  It includes 10 Video examples that help to demonstrate the possibilities of Hypnosis, Psychedelic Drugs, as well as stories and examples of altered Realities.  
Chapter 13 - The Reality of The Skeptic And The Doubter - This Chapter Explains that while the “Skeptic” is a Master of Reality Maintenance, his opinions and points of view are only valid within his own Reality and have no basis in Yours. You have the ability to think and do things that the Skeptic cannot even imagine, and therefore outside his Reality. 
Chapter 14 - What Is Theoretically Possible in Your Own Reality  -  It sets forth amazing thoughts & ideas of what is possible.  Learn directly from another’s mind,  living or dead.  Change your body to match the one you had in a 10 year old photo.  Create a “Magical” Home Pharmacy that automatically turns candy into powerful medicines. 
Chapter 15 - Conclusion - This Chapter brings together all the powerful concepts taught in the course and clearly demonstrates that you can Use Your God Power to Get Everything You Ever Wanted and Live The Life Of Your Dreams.

Paperback Edition: ( 6"x 9" - 244 Pages)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L941

Kindle Edition: (Read On ANY Device)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L944

Audio Book 13 CDs: (398 Tracks 12.4 Hours)  www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L943

How To Use Your God Power Products
How To Use Your God Power Master's Course DVD-ROM
•555 Page Fully Integrated E-Book - Illustrations - Video Links
•35+ Hour Audio Book – Fully Integrated with the E-Book
•1,500 Slide Power Point Presentation Fully Integrated
•51+ Hour Flash Movie Presentation - Fully Integrated
•Over 100 Video Examples Referred to by Internet Links
•Over 100 Illustrations and Animations - Fully Integrated
•Links to over 100 Video Examples www.TinyURL.com/GPB-L90
How To Use Your God Power
Master's Course - 40 CD Audio Book
•Entire Course Recorded on 40 Audio CDs
•Each CD Has an Information Track That Explains What it Covers
•The Course Is Recorded on 36 CDs and Includes 4 Bonus Review CDs!
      How To Use Your God Power
Master's Course - 18 DVD (9 Box) Set
•Entire Course in a 9-Box, 18 DVDs 
•The Course is Nearly 40 Hours Long
•The 18 DVDs  + Bonus Review DVD!
•Course Chapters are Divided into
   Easy To Watch Segments

How To Use Your God Power Master's Course With The 30 Day,  Habit Breaking,  High Intensity Training/Coaching One on One
Tired Of Not Getting Ahead? Confused By The Barrage Of Conflicting Advice?  Do You Want To Be Able To Actually Collect Your Share From The Abundance of The Universe?  Are You Ready To Take Action Right Now, and Be Creating The Life Of Your Dreams In 30 Days Or Less?  If So, Then You Need This 30 Day High Intensity, God Power Training.    
This High Intensity Training Is The ONLY Way To Quickly And Effectively Change Your Life. You Will Have 30 Consecutive Days of One On One Coaching and Intensive Training Directly with Richard Lee McKim Jr. Himself.   This Special Training is Designed to Break ALL of Your Old Ineffective Habits and Create New Powerful Habits that Will Automatically Transform Your Life.  You Will Learn How To Use Your God Given Power, To Change Your Reality, On A Daily Basis, To Get Everything You Ever Wanted and Live The Life Of Your Dreams.  Every Single Day Will Be Reviewed & Discussed To Insure Success.  Expect To See Positive Results Fast.  Most Start Seeing Positive Results With In Just A Few Days Of Starting This High Intensity Training.  This Intensive Coaching Will Continue With Follow up Calls and Regular Contact to Insure That You Are Successfully Using Your New Skills.  
Home Study Materials: This is The Complete How To Use Your God Power Master's Course.  It comes with 40 Hours of Video on 18 DVDs.  It Includes The Complete Book, and Audio Book on 40 CDs.  It also has the 1500 Slide Power Point Presentation of The Course and Another 40 Hours of Video in The SWF Interactive Format.  
NOTICE:  Do To The Intense Nature Of This Powerful Training, There Will Only Be A Few Openings.   This Training Is Success Driven and Designed To Create A Life Long Change In 30 Days Or Less.  If You Really Want A Positive Change In Your Life Quickly, And Are Willing To Go The Distance And Do The Work, This Is The Program For You.                     

(Highly Recommended)

  Course Menu

From This Menu, You Can Access All Course Videos, Resources, & Features.  It Has Access To Over 30 Course Excerpts Featuring Well Known Experts & Gurus. It Also Has Access To The Course Special Reports & Excerpts, Including Access To All Course Chapters (270 Videos). 

© 2013 Richard Lee McKim Jr.

Download The God Power Philosophy & Certificate

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